CRFC Player Information

Club, Program, Registration and Fee Information

CRFC Player Information

Congaree Rapid FC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and is located in Cayce/West Columbia, South Carolina aiming to serve eastern Lexington County and the Downtown Columbia soccer communities. CRFC is affiliated with South Carolina Youth Soccer (SCYS) and the United States Youth Soccer Association (USYSA). The club fields boys and girls teams in the Under-8 (8U) through Under-19 (19U) divisions, competing in various regional and statewide leagues including: the National League South Carolina (Challenge), the President's Medal Soccer League (PMSL/Select), the Open Division (Select), and the United Development League (Junior Academy).

The mission of Congaree Rapid FC is to provide quality coaching in a structured classic league soccer environment. Our desire is not to be the largest or most elite soccer club, but one that serves the player who strives to become a better soccer player at the classic league and high school level. Player development is our ultimate goal! We take pride in saying that at Congaree Rapid FC, "The PLAYER comes first."

Club Contact Information

  • Executive Director / Registrar  Janet Mitchell
  • Treasurer - David Easley:
  • Website -
  • Phone - 803.814.5013
  • Mailing Address - PO Box 2135, West Columbia, SC 29171

CRFCs competitive program offers three levels of competition

  • Junior Academy teams will play in the United Development League primarily based in the Midlands. Divisions will vary per team. 
  • Select teams play in the Piedmont, National League South Carolina Conference (NL SC), President's Medal Soccer League (PMSL) or Open League.
  • South Carolina Challenge level teams play in the National League South Carolina Conference or the Piedmont League upon promotion.
  • Some players will be accepted to a classic team and some to a challenge team. Team selection is determined at tryouts each May/June by our Director of Coaching and Staff. Players are selected to teams which the coaches feel will best fit the player's ability and development potential. From year to year, players may move from team to team within their age group depending on the coach's assessment at tryouts.
  • Unfortunately, coaches will be unable to discuss your individual player or teams at the field.

Notification Process

  • If your player is selected, you will be notified by rosters posting on the website within 3-4 days of your team assignment. You will then have 48 hours to accept the position and make your Commitment Fee online. If you do not accept and pay the Commitment Fee within 48 hours, we will not be able to guarantee a roster spot.

Player Registration

  • All players accepted to one of our programs must be registered online at our website -
  • All information will be available online at our website. Players who do not register online within 48 hours of their notification will be deemed ineligible and another player selected.
  • Players who are not U.S. Citizens or who are U.S. Citizens, but were born outside the U.S., must contact the Club Registrar for additional required forms. This takes several weeks, so time is of essence.

Meet Your Coach / Team Manager

  • Team Organizational Meetings - Each team will handle their TOMs individually.



  • Players are coached and trained by professionally licensed coaches. Many of our coaches have ties with high school programs.
  • Fall season practice begins the first full week of August per coach’s discretion (August 5, 2024), and Spring season practice begins the first full week of January. Once the season begins, training is generally two nights per week. Players are expected to be committed to mandatory practice, games and tournaments. 13U/14U teams have the option to play either just the fall season or both the spring and fall per team desire. We encourage our players to be active in their respective high school sub-Varsity programs and respect their wish. We try to accommodate what is best for the majority of the team.
  • Each participant is expected to be a positive influence at practice by demonstrating discipline, enthusiasm, and positive support for other players.
  • Team Training may be assigned to any of the following sites:
    • West Columbia Soccer Complex (760 Old Barnwell Road, West Columbia 29170)
    • Refuge Church (100 Old State Rd, Cayce 29033)
    • Other sites may be added to this list as they are available

League Matches/Tournament Travel

  • Teams will play approximately 8-12 league games depending on the number of teams in your division.
  • Away matches are typically in the Aiken, Charleston, Florence, Greenville, Lexington, Myrtle Beach, Rock Hill, Spartanburg and Sumter areas.
  • There is no guaranteed playing time for the Select U13-U18 player. Playing time is left to the discretion of the coaching staff. Skill level, attitude, attendance, and hard work determine which players are rewarded with increased playing time at matches.
  • Teams generally attend 1-2 tournaments during each playing season. Some may require overnight stays.

Club Volunteers

  • We welcome and need volunteers! It is a requirement of membership that each family volunteer each season assisting with tryouts, fundraisers, field maintenance, new facility development, charity golf tournament, coaching recreational teams, or in a role for their team.


Non-Refundable Player Commitment Fee

  • This must be paid when accepting a roster spot online by completing the team registration. The non-refundable commitment fee is part of player dues. You can pay the commitment fee online by credit/debit card or select the “pay by check” option and mail to CRFC at PO Box 2135, West Columbia, SC 29171. If you do not have a credit/debit card or will be unable to pay by check or money order, please email or call Registrar Janet Mitchell  / 803.553-0224 to make other arrangements. Note – Your roster spot is NOT guaranteed until this commitment fee is paid. Due date is June 1, 2024.
    • Select 13U-19U - $150 
    • Junior Academy 9U-12U - $100

Volunteer Opt-Out Fee

  • Anyone who does NOT want to sell raffle tickets for the annual golf tournament are able to pay a $75 opt-out fee at the beginning of the registration cycle. 

2024-2025 Club Fees

  • All club fees include a CRFC hand-stitched soccer ball to be distributed in August.
  • You pay the fee for the team of which you are selected.
  • Recreational 4U-12U - $90 plus $10 Jersey Fee and $25 Volunteer Opt Out
  • Junior Academy 8U - $650 (Fall/Spring) - Fall or Spring Only - $500
  • Junior Academy 9U-10U - $990 (Fall/Spring) - Fall or Spring Only - $800
  • Junior Academy 11U-12U - $1,050 (Fall/Spring) - Fall or Spring Only - $910
  • Select 13U-14U - $1050 (Fall/Spring) - Fall or Spring Only - $860
  • Select 15U-19U - SCSCL - $850 (Fall)
  • If you have more than one child playing at CRFC, you will only pay one-half the fee for your additional player(s). The most expensive club fee will be met first and the remaining fees will be one-half the posted price. The discount will be applied once the team registration for each player has been completed.
  • $50 discount if you pay in full at time of registration
  • Club Fees must be paid on time and your player must stay in good standing financially. Failure to maintain regular payments will result in the player being ruled ineligible until the balance is met.
  • Spring High School JV Soccer – Several of our U13-U14 teams opt to not play in the spring season due to participating with their respective JV high school programs. We have broken the entire fee for fall and spring seasons over a 10 month period, whether the team plays in the spring season or not or on a modified/limited basis. This allows the individual teams to decide their own path, but safeguard the club in the event the team does want to stay intact and compete in the spring or if they only want to compete in tournaments or even just State Cup play. We are trying to be flexible, but must also be financially solvent in order to do so. We hope that those wishing for this type of arrangement will understand our position as well.
  • Club Fees are NOT tax deductible.
  • Decision to play only one season for Junior Academy and Select 13U and 14U players must be made at time of Registration.   No Refunds will be given.  

NIKE Uniform Fee - $250 approximate cost

  • Includes two jerseys, two shorts, two socks, training top, warmup jacket, warmup pants & GK jerseys for keeper). Uniform must be ordered via Lloyd’s Soccer online order site by June 15th. If any additional uniform pieces are needed, please visit the site directly to place order. 
  • NIKE Uniforms for players are not included in club fees and must be ordered through our online ordering system provided by Lloyd’s Soccer & MyUniform. Uniforms are ordered every two years, and we are in year one of our kit cycle for 2024-2026. The uniform must be ordered via Lloyd’s Soccer online order system by June 15th in order to ensure enough time for order/delivery. 

Team Fees

  • These are additional player expenses specific to each team that are not included in your club fees and are paid directly to the Team Manager or Team Coach. They cover tournament entry fees, hotel accommodations, out-of-pocket travel expenses for coaches that do not have a child on the team, etc. Estimated cost is $100-$250 per player, per season. Money is collected by the Coach/Team Manager for use throughout the season. All team members (whether they attend the tournament or not) are expected to share in the expense. 
  • Select Fees include:
    • 2 team training sessions per week, additional goalkeeper training, additional third night training sessions, team equipment, SCYS player registration and insurance, team league registration fees, league referee fees, field rental and maintenance fees, temporary field lighting, coach/administrative stipends, coach’s training/education, advertising, website hosting/development, Greater Cayce/West Columbia Chamber membership, United Soccer Coaches Elite Member Club Dues, etc.
  • Not Included:
    • Nike uniform kit, extra practice attire, CRFC spirit wear, team fees, additional friendly match costs or events decided by coaches or personal travel expenses. All fees are non-refundable.

Financial Assistance

  • It is the policy of the Congaree Rapid FC to provide soccer opportunities for all youth regardless of ability to pay to the extent scholarship funds are available. You must submit an application via Google Forms no later than Wednesday, June 5th to be considered for financial assistance. The link to the application is on our website under “Club Fees” at the bottom of the page. Late applications will be considered only if funds are available.
  • Information in application will only be used in determining eligible candidates for financial assistance and will not be released to any other organization.
  • Financial Assistance applies only to Club Fees, not Team Fees or Uniforms. Players participating in tournaments, camps, or other activities are expected to fulfill their obligation to their team.