Junior Academy Pool 2016-2017

Junior Academy Pool 2016-2017

Congratulations to the following players selected to the CRFC Junior Academy U8-U12 program for 2016-2017. All questions should be directed to JA Director Robby Setzler at rcsetzler@gmail.com. There is room to add players to these pools, contact Coach Setzler for more information.

U8B - 2009 (U9B Pool)

  1. Jeremy Belteton #5
  2. Jason Gonzalez
  3. Joel Gonzalez
  4. Shawn Simmons
  5. Aiden Smith #14
  6. Cooper Wilson #25

U9B - 2008

  1. David Andrade #28
  2. Gabriel Barahona Smith #30
  3. Ryan Blizzard-Henry
  4. Tucker Davis #116
  5. Weston Mims #70
  6. Blakelee Mota #48
  7. William Myers #38
  8. Akshay Pawar #19
  9. Charlie Petroff
  10. Logan Snelling #36
  11. William Spotts #13

U10B - 2007

  1. Lawson Cross #8
  2. JJ Evans - DNT
  3. Avery Foster #73
  4. Andres Gonzalez
  5. Junior Gonzalez #47
  6. Jefferson Jimenez
  7. Tanner Legette #49
  8. Noah Mitchell #31
  9. Ethan Mohundro #42
  10. Finn Porter #16
  11. Matthew Sullivan #39

U11B - 2006

  1. Stephen Austin #43
  2. Jair Bautista #29
  3. Mason Bohn #32
  4. Quinn Carter #22
  5. Joshua Cleary #1
  6. Gregory Collins
  7. Jackson Corley #46
  8. Ja'Quelyn Etheredge #45
  9. Nathan Hernandez #27
  10. Garrett Hooker #21
  11. Naylin Judge #12
  12. Asher Lewis #6
  13. Benton McLean #18
  14. Montgomery Moyers #7
  15. Cristian Perez #64
  16. Josue Reyes #10
  17. Jordan Shaver #11
  18. Cody Steffen
  19. Justin Welch #26

U12B - 2005

  1. Edwin Bautista #65
  2. Andrew Bean #50
  3. Lee Blythe #63
  4. Christopher Bragan #42
  5. Adam Britt #17
  6. Landon Butler #33
  7. Britton Davis #4
  8. Jackson Davis #67
  9. Connor Dixon #24
  10. Conor Greer #71
  11. John Allen Mower #74
  12. Merrick Richardson #62
  13. Alex Serrano #68
  14. Spencer Thomas #23
  15. Carter Toole #61


U12G - 2005

  1. Lauren Asbill #76
  2. Enith Gomez #69
  3. Jane Koch #35
  4. Lillian Meetze #77
  5. Piper Odlaug #20
  6. Kaitlin Robinson #60
  7. Ellie Tanner #75

U11G - 2006 (U12G & U11B Pool)

  1. Cecilia Gardner #37
  2. Lila Kaminski #15
  3. Hayden Klosterman #40
  4. Stella Lucas #9
  5. Jordan Shaver #11

U10G - 2007

  1. Sienna Buck #3

U9G - 2008

  1. Logan Bean #2
  2. Marinna Walling #34

U8G - 2009

  1. Samantha Pazmino #72